
Enhance slurry management with E-ACTI'WATER+

An efficient and odorless slurry:

Slurry is a valuable natural fertilizer that plays a crucial role in agriculture. However, it often presents challenges such as unpleasant odors, crust formation on the surface, and its potentially aggressive effect on plants during spreading.

There is an innovative solution to optimize the use of slurry: E-ACTI'WATER+.

E-ACTI'WATER+ is specifically designed to improve slurry management and maximize its agricultural benefits. This revolutionary equipment offers a range of significant advantages that transform the way slurry is used on farms. Discover how E-ACTI'WATER+ can revolutionize your slurry management practice.

The different advantages:

One of the key benefits of E-ACTI'WATER+ is its ability to reduce the unpleasant odors associated with slurry. Through its specific action, it neutralizes the volatile compounds responsible for the strong odor of slurry. This creates a more pleasant working environment for farmers and livestock breeders while minimizing olfactory nuisances for neighboring communities.

Additionally, E-ACTI'WATER+ ensures a more homogeneous distribution of slurry during spreading. Thanks to its specific design, it prevents crust formation on the surface of the slurry, ensuring the uniform diffusion of nutrients onto crops. This uniformity promotes optimal plant growth and contributes to higher yields and better quality.

Another major advantage of E-ACTI'WATER+ is its ability to render slurry non-aggressive to plants after spreading. It neutralizes potentially harmful components of slurry, thereby reducing the risk of burns or damage to crops. This allows farmers to fully benefit from the fertilizing advantages of slurry without compromising the health and growth of their plants.

By using E-ACTI'WATER+ in slurry management, farmers experience a significant improvement in plant growth. The essential nutrients contained in the slurry are better assimilated by the plants, promoting more vigorous growth, improved disease resistance, and increased yields. This improvement in plant growth contributes to a more productive and profitable farming operation.

In conclusion, E-ACTI'WATER+ revolutionizes the field of slurry management by offering a comprehensive solution to optimize its use. With reduced odors, homogeneous distribution, no surface crust formation, and non-aggressive slurry to plants after spreading, this innovative device significantly enhances plant growth and productivity.