Our products

Give your plants every chance to be strong

E-MULTI'WATER  is a revolutionary underground irrigation system that offers numerous benefits for plants and the environment. With its advanced technology, it energizes the water upon contact with the plants, providing them with the benefits of structured water.

This versatile system features a comprehensive range of functionalities:

Water energization: E-MULTI'WATER energizes the water through simple contact, allowing for better absorption by the plants and promoting their growth.

Water storage and redistribution: E-MULTI WATER stores the water in the underground, enabling plants to develop their root systems and access water at deeper levels

Structured water irrigation: The water transmitted by E-MULTI'WATER is structured, facilitating the delivery of necessary nutrients to the plants and reducing the use of fertilizers.

Water conservation: Through underground irrigation, E-MULTI'WATER enables remarkable water savings ranging from 50 to 80%, by avoiding evaporation and promoting deep root penetration.

Treatment reduction: By avoiding stagnant surface water, E-MULTI'WATER reduces weed proliferation and the need for herbicides. Additionally, it helps prevent diseases caused by parasites.

Cost reduction: With E-MULTI'WATER, maintenance costs, clogged drippers, and water pumping expenses are significantly reduced. Moreover, fertilizer usage is optimized, resulting in significant financial savings.

Durability and adaptability:E-MULTI'WATER is designed to be durable, resistant, and adaptable to different irrigation types. Its installation is easy, and it can be conveniently accessed through the inspection hatch.

Crop improvement: By providing precise and regular irrigation, E-MULTI'WATER enhances abundant harvests and produces tastier fruits, thereby improving agricultural productivity.

In conclusion, E-MULTI'WATER offers a comprehensive irrigation solution that enhances crop performance while preserving water resources and reducing costs. It is an innovative technology that opens new perspectives for sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture.


Operating principle :